(682) 712-0128


Togo School Supplies

Region: West Africa
Competency: Educational Development

In rural Togo, West Africa, it can be expected that one out of every two children will drop out of primary school, and most Togolese children will only go to school for a total of 5 years. For many of these children, the simple lack of funding for the essential supplies such as notebooks, pencils, erasers, mathematic tools, chalk and individual slate boards, keep them from attending school. ILAD has partnered with local schools to provide these supplies through a program that encourages parent participation and community involvement. At the beginning of each school year, ILAD provides school supply kits for free but the parents are expected to contribute 25% of the cost, which is put in a community bank account. These funds accumulate over the course of several years until the community is using the fund to subsidize the supply kits themselves. ILAD is also encouraging excellence by rewarding the top 3 students in each grade with a new backpack.

ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization

Make checks payable to ILAD and mail them to:

Attn: Togo School Supplies
PO Box 383153
Duncanville, TX 75138-3153

ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization

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ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization