(682) 712-0128


West Africa

West Africa is comprised of many countries that have suffered under colonial rule and corrupt governments. The boundaries between nations are often arbitrary and cut through ethnic group and language communities. Due to centuries of abuse, exploitation, and corruption, the nations of West Africa have among the highest illiteracy and poverty levels in the world. ILAD works among minority language speakers in this region to promote development initiatives, education, and mother-tongue literacy.

Continue Projects in West Africa

Africa in Action: Demonstration Farm
Agricultural Development
Rural Togo Development Program
Agricultural Development
Young Togolese Secondary Education Teacher standing in front of a desk and chalk board, featuring a map of Africa
Secondary School Initiative
Educational Development
The Sahara Project
Educational Development, Human Language Technology
Togo Agricultural Development
Agricultural Development
ILAD Togo Programe Development Agriculture card (in French) being held. Money on table with another card.
Togo AgroCredit
Agricultural Development
Happy Togolese men and women stand in front of a sign which reads "ILAD Togo..."
Togo Business Development
Business Development
Togo School Supplies
Educational Development
Togo Women’s Literacy
Educational Development
West African Libraries
Educational Development

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