(682) 712-0128


Empowering Local Communities Through Literacy and Economic Development

Region: Middle East
Competency: Educational Development

This project has the privilege of serving an under-resourced language group that is scattered all across the Middle East, numbering in the millions worldwide. This group experiences disenfranchisement, lack of education, high illiteracy, malnutrition, high unemployment, and poverty. These disadvantages afflict nearly every community among this people group.

Language Development

Most are bilingual (in Arabic and their mother tongue), however their proficiency in and preference for each language varies from community to community. The literacy rates in Arabic amongst them are very low, especially among the tent-dwellers; most not having the opportunity to attend school. A determinantion has been made that there is a need for orthographic standardization in local spoken Arabic, as well as development of an orthography in their mother-tongue. They would benefit from language literacy both in Arabic and their language and steps are being taken toward this end.

Community Development

We've spearheaded grass-root development projects in this community including literacy classes, mother-baby health seminars, breastfeeding initiatives, and small business support. With community backing, we'd like to empower other projects to take root like basic math and budgeting, clean water initiatives, health education, and healthy family relationship classes. Through this project, we hope to bring transformation through both language development work and holistic community development projects. We are collaborating with local people to explore possibilities for projects that will help bring sustainable change.

ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization

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Attn: (project code)
PO Box 383153
Duncanville, TX 75138-3153

ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization

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ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization