(682) 712-0128


U.S. Demonstration Farm

Region: United States
Competency: Agricultural Development

Project Goal

The Goal of the Demonstration Farm is to model appropriate technologies and farming strategies for use in low tech contexts around the world. The strategies are inspired by natural patterns, with a desire to work with nature, rather than against it.


Project Description

1. Water:

  • Water is the ingredient of life. As a result, it is the first and most essential element. This pond was excavated in a location where water flows ephemerally after heavy rains. We’ve asked it to stick around a bit longer in the landscape
  • Further up the slope, a series of small check dams and swales are being excavated by hand to further slow, spread, and sink the water. This will allow for greater water retention in the entire landscape, and thus, better odds of surviving extreme drought conditions.


2. Plants:

  • For this site, native and non-native fruit and nut trees and shrubs were selected as the long-term focus for agriculture production. This includes Black Walnuts, Pecans, Peaches, Mulberries, Elderberries, and goji berries. These tough, regionally suitable plants should survive our challenging South Dallas context. We hope to one day offer fruits and nuts as a locally grown urban food source.
  • In addition to the produce, these species will be propagated and sold as nursery stock, providing additional income streams
  • But that’s not all! We hope to propagate other valuable species. Jerusalem Artichokes, Bee Balm, regionally adapted sunflowers, pumpkins, and amaranth to name a few!


3. Animals:

  • Coming soon! To seal the pond, ducks will be brought into the system. As the ducks defecate in the pond, a biofilm will develop on the walls of the pond, helping seal it and reduce water loss through leaking. Meat, eggs, and fertilization are a nice bonus!
  • Goats! Invasive species management is hard work. But we plan to employ the help of the ever hungry, horned friends. Their voracious appetites will be put to work clearing out privet stands on the hillside without disturbing the root systems. The goats will also be a source of milk and meat.

ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization

Make checks payable to ILAD and mail them to:

Attn: U.S. Demonstration Farm
PO Box 383153
Duncanville, TX 75138-3153

ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization

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ILAD is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization